This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Taxi Hub 8 years, 11 months ago.

recurring jobs

  • How does Taxihub deal with recurring jobs. In this case I am referring to daily recurring trips. An example. Every driver has a series of fixed job/trips in the morning and in the afternoon. School children are picked up at home, and brought to school. In the afternoon the reversed order.

    Children are asigned to a certain car. That is a 99% fixed assignement. One trip can have one or more children assigned to that trip in that specific car.

    I see the otion to duplicate jobs. But this means we have to duplicate for each and every school day. Is there a better option to manage those recurring jobs?

    Hi Polar,

    At the moment you add jobs to specific drivers or vehicles. You can add multiple passengers and “via’s” ie multiple drop off location all at one time, but this would not be specific to multiple individuals.

    We have not come across this requirement to date with the companies using the system, but will make a note of it in our product development road map.

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