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Record Keeping

United Kingdom – The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, S 56 (2) requires Operators to keep records of each booking. Information must include the date and time of the booking, the name of the hirer, how the booking was made, the date, time
and point of pick-up, the destination, the name and badge number of the driver and
the licence number of the vehicle allocated and any other remarks e.g. reference to
contract or sub-contract work.

Could this information be recorded by the system and available in a report format, to save operators having to duplicate information elsewhere.

Thank you


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Quote Button

There is another thing that would make your programme and driver app stand out above the others.

The drivers need a quote button. Quite often I am asked how much would it be from say 14 Mazlin Street Atherton to the Mobil Service station on Kennedy Highway (Round trip). I could then plug into the quote the pickup address the destination and add 5 minutes wait time and back to pickup address based on the time of day, (In australia we have 3 flag falls) Day, evening, Night. So lets say Day $2.90 Flag fall + $1.50 booking fee then $2.94 cents per kilometer then add approx 5 minutes wait while they grab there cigs and hot food etc. then back to destination. The app would quote on this and I could give a very real estimate on price instead of guessing, which we do most of the time. We would also need to plug in the amount of people, as 1-4 is a lower rate then 5-10.