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Record Keeping

United Kingdom – The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, S 56 (2) requires Operators to keep records of each booking. Information must include the date and time of the booking, the name of the hirer, how the booking was made, the date, time
and point of pick-up, the destination, the name and badge number of the driver and
the licence number of the vehicle allocated and any other remarks e.g. reference to
contract or sub-contract work.

Could this information be recorded by the system and available in a report format, to save operators having to duplicate information elsewhere.

Thank you


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Accepting Jobs on App

Would it be possible to be able to load multiple jobs onto the driver app without the need to accept each job individually?
We would like to be able to give out a chunk of work(maybe a days worth or even a week)in one go rather than drip feeding the driver. Currently if we do this the driver has to accept each job before being able to use the app